Category: memes

  • Break the Chain

    I got a beauty forwarded to me this morning in my email: —–Original Message—– From: [snip’d] Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 08:56 To: [snip’d] Subject: Message from Strathclyde Police THIS MESSAGE WAS RECEIVED FROM STRATHCLYDE POLICE CAR JACKING SCHEME You walk across the car park, unlock your car and get inside. Then you lock all…

  • UI9 Redux

    It’s fun being a geek 🙂< ?code>

  • “To The Skies!”

    Team Laser Explosion: Best … Weebl & Bob … Ever </comicbookguy> Updated 2004-05-05: There’s now a secret fan club, complete with printable belt! But remember … it’s a secret!

  • Who Knew Celebrities Swearing Would Be So Cool?

    Channel Four have slipped out a Flash movie advert which … well, it’s basically people who are on, or have been on programmes on Channel Four, such as The West Wing, ER, Big Brother, yadda yadda … and they’re swearing. A lot. I’ve no idea where it came from, but it’s certainly starting to gather…