Category: open source

  • Revert to Standard Ubuntu Kernel on OVH or Kimsufi Servers

    I have a cheap dedicated server running Ubuntu Linux — the 8.04 LTS “Hardy Heron” release — with Kimsufi, the budget arm of French hosting company OVH. All their Linux servers (and FreeBSD servers too, I think) are provisioned with their own custom, static kernel. This, they say, makes it “secure”. It also makes it…

  • The Four Ubuntu Yorkshiremen

    The Four Ubuntu Yorkshiremen

    (With apologies to Monty Python) Four well-dressed men sitting together at a LUG meeting, surrounding a laptop running Ubuntu 9.04. First Yorkshireman (1Y): Ahh … Very passable, this, very passable. Second Yorkshireman (2Y): Nothing like a good install of Ubuntu Jaunty, eh Gessiah? Third Yorkshireman (3Y): You’re right there, Obediah. Fourth Yorkshireman (4Y): Who’d a…

  • Defective in the Head

    Defective in the Head

    As someone said on IRC this morning: “the FSF appear to have come up with the perfect plan for how to look like a bunch of annoying, smart-arse tossers“. Has the Free Software Foundation gone nuts? Update 13:30: I don’t seem to be alone on this: popey, mgdm, ZDNet, Slashdot. I’ve been saying for a…

  • No More SmoothWall (For Me)

    Some of you who know me may know my fascination and infatuation for SmoothWall, the open source Linux firewall distro. You may be interested to know that I’ve decided to take my leave of the project after just over 7 years. To explain, I need to tell a story of how I got there in…

  • Easy Peasy WordPress Upgrades

    My blog software, WordPress, has been nagging me to upgrade it for a few days now. It’s normally an easy process: go to the website, download the tar archive, untar into a temporary directory, then cp -a the files into my blog’s Apache virtual host directory. However, Aq noticed a slightly easier way: use Subversion.…

  • is Back

    Finally, I’ve managed to get the LugRadio IRC Quotes Database back online on the day that the large gents released LugRadio Season 5‘s first episode. I’ve migrated from rash to Chirpy! — the same qdb used by the Mozilla Foundation, amongst others. This migration has been a long time coming, and hopefully LugRadio community folk…

  • A PC Pro Wishlist

    Yes, I’m in Rant mode again; just sent this to PC Pro magazine: To: neuro@well.comSubject: Wishlist Hi PC Pro Letters, I was pretty disgusted to note the completely haphazard manner in which David Fearon researched and documented Ubuntu Linux’s “downsides” in your “Who’s Killing Windows?” feature (p122, issue 156). He references the relatively complex…

  • CompressedJuneJuly

    It’s time for another Cram Post, Neuro Style. june » to san francisco for a couple of weeks to acclimatise to linden lab culture and processes, very chilled yet productive fortnight, i can now convert pounds sterling to/from US dollars and PDT to/from BST in my head; july » had great fun trying to procure…

  • Microsoft and Novell == MAN Love?

    After Microsoft and Novell‘s announcement that they are to start collaboration on tighter integration between Windows and (admittedly SuSE) Linux, there has been a lot of bollocks kicking around from people squealing “this will be bad“, “this will be really bad“, “oh no, it’s the end of the world as we know it“, and so…