Defective in the Head
As someone said on IRC this morning: “the FSF appear to have come up with the perfect plan for how to look like a bunch of annoying, smart-arse tossers“. Has the Free Software Foundation gone nuts? Update 13:30: I don’t seem to be alone on this: popey, mgdm, ZDNet, Slashdot. I’ve been saying for a…
A PC Pro Wishlist
Yes, I’m in Rant mode again; just sent this to PC Pro magazine: To: letters@pcpro.co.ukFrom: neuro@well.comSubject: Wishlist Hi PC Pro Letters, I was pretty disgusted to note the completely haphazard manner in which David Fearon researched and documented Ubuntu Linux’s “downsides” in your “Who’s Killing Windows?” feature (p122, issue 156). He references the relatively complex…
Microsoft and Novell == MAN Love?
After Microsoft and Novell‘s announcement that they are to start collaboration on tighter integration between Windows and (admittedly SuSE) Linux, there has been a lot of bollocks kicking around from people squealing “this will be bad“, “this will be really bad“, “oh no, it’s the end of the world as we know it“, and so…
Chalk, Cheese
Two sides to the same story: Linspire are releasing a freely-available, freely-distributable, community-led, Debian-based Linux distribution (sound familiar?) to be called Freespire. Linspire’s edge is that they will distribute non-free drivers, such as for nVidia or ATi graphics cards, as part of the core distribution, and not from optional repositories a la Ubuntu. Jono Bacon,…
Google Pack
At last, someone at Google has realised something that I and others have known about for ages: it takes ages to install applications on Windows because everything is disparate and has its own installer. On Ubuntu, I can fire up a simple Add Applications applet which allows me to browse a selection of apps of…
SCO Foot Shooting Continues?
According to a Russian security site [babelfish translation], SCO are behind a new worm (Mydoom) which is designed to target www.sco.com with a DDoS attack this Sunday, while propogating itself in the usual win32 email fashion … seemingly the FBI has raided SCO, detained employees and seized equipment. Truth? Who knows — the whole SCO…
‘A bit early for April Fools..?’
“Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder and the world’s wealthiest man, is to receive an honorary knighthood for “services to global enterprise”.” Yeah, I know, I had to do a double-take on that one too. The Telegraph article also states that “commercial success has led to hatred of him among his competitors.” This in the same…
For those who think Debian is “hard” to install, let the Chicken Install method dispel a few myths 🙂 I personally have always found Debian fast and easy to install, the new installer should help that become even simpler. The tendency these days is more towards eye candy than actual ease of process. If it’s…