Things That Are Awesome
There are things in life that suck. This list is not of things that suck, it’s of things that are awesome. My job; pursuant thereof, San Francisco, and regular trips thereto (next one in December); additionally, the stupidly weak US dollar Apple Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” Beechams Flu Plus caplets The Crystal Method Ubuntu…
Why Not Switch Off Your TV and Go Outside and Do Something Less Boring Instead?
BBC News is carrying a story about how, quote, “US gamers are switching off the TV and are turning to gaming on their consoles and mobiles“, unquote. I’d love to see how US gamers are playing their consoles with the TV switched off …
Um, Another 3 Phone …
Looks like I’m going to be deluged in 3G phones … after sending me the handset I knew I was getting, 3 decided to send me another NEC e808 … I think the phone’s OK, but come on, it’s not like I lost the first one — photo attached as proof! 🙂 more 3G geek…
One, Two, Three, Four, A Little Bit More
Finally … finally, finally, finally, finally, finally my 3 phone appeared today … yes, one of those 3G video phone gubbins ones 🙂 I have a couple of mates who work for 3, and as a nice deal to their friends and family, I managed to blag the handset with a sweet 3 months free…