random day # 293 got

random day # 293

  • got a belkin kvm switch to (finally) run my primary ‘puter kit off one keyb/mouse/monitor
  • went to see “The Story of Us” with Gillian – what a strange film
  • still puzzling over stuff I got told yesterday – someone cleanly hacked into one of our co-lo’d servers and flood-pinged some host in Israel – curious – Iyanus is still trying to figure it out
  • still trying to keep a hold of my new passwords (changed em after the above was related to me)
  • waited in a queue for aaaaages this morning waiting to drop stuff off at the local dump – “the bins are a’ full” said the council geezer, so I “hit the shops” for half an hour
  • ate a pizza, drank some coke, bought random magazines and this weeks ‘puter weekly – which I have a free sub to, since I’m a BCS member but I keep forgetting to send the form off! Procrastination rocks … ish.
  • I have to work tomorrow – plaaa. Ade made hideous amounts of money for sitting about in an office in Livingston today – at least he missed the nice weather today – contractin bastard :)

oh and thank christ Backlash finished the way it did!