Category: Uncategorized

  • Again, Talk Like Yoda Day, It Is

    Talk Like Yoda Day, it is. Talk like Yoda, you must.

  • ‘Can’t Say Fairer Than That’

    Found this lurking in the last couple of weeks worth of MHP-Chat messages from Carl, a long time regular … Charles Allen: “Mike, me old mucker, don’t worry about Carlton being the junior partner in this take-over, err merger. I tell you what, we’ll take half of your company’s identity and half of mine —…

  • Ahhh, Lovely

    Firebird is creeping slowly but surely towards 1.0 with the 0.7 release. I very quickly moved from IE6 to Firebird without any major loss of functionality — indeed, I’ve gained functionality versus IE, a browser I’ve faithfully used for years. I also migrated from Outlook Express 6 to Mozilla Thunderbird with nary a problem in…

  • From All Sides

    After deleting some more comment spam earlier, an automagic blacklist, anti-spam and filter system for MT comments cannot come fast enough … Updated 2003-10-15: MT-Blacklist Lives! — I’ll look at installing it later.

  • ‘Hold it, the Schwarzenegger Library?’

    Looks like the Schwarzenegger Library might be with Americans sooner than they think.

  • ‘… there is no Photoshop in this picture’

    I love this Polaroid photo of the Millennium Bridge in London, which has been altered while the emulsion was still ‘wet’ — it looks gorgeous.

  • ‘Mike Doyle: No Place to Hide’

    There’s an excellent summary by Ethan Marcotte of the workarounds by Microsoft and other vendors to the IE changes mandated by the Eolas ruling. This is a particularly evil mod that MS are making to IE 6 to cripple clean use of plugins (cf RealOne, Macromedia Flash, etc.) without changing any code involving EMBED, OBJECT…

  • Ya Beauty!

    The headline says it all: Celtic take Old Firm spoils. Had I not previously renounced my Catholicism, I’d probably be saying something like “oh, it’s a glorious day to be a tim”, but I won’t. Much. 🙂

  • Beeeee Bop, Beeeee Diddly-diddly-dooooo

    Classic, “what if there had been a Spectrum joypad …”