Again, Talk Like Yoda Day, It Is
Talk Like Yoda Day, it is. Talk like Yoda, you must.
‘Can’t Say Fairer Than That’
Found this lurking in the last couple of weeks worth of MHP-Chat messages from Carl, a long time regular … Charles Allen: “Mike, me old mucker, don’t worry about Carlton being the junior partner in this take-over, err merger. I tell you what, we’ll take half of your company’s identity and half of mine —…
Ahhh, Lovely
Firebird is creeping slowly but surely towards 1.0 with the 0.7 release. I very quickly moved from IE6 to Firebird without any major loss of functionality — indeed, I’ve gained functionality versus IE, a browser I’ve faithfully used for years. I also migrated from Outlook Express 6 to Mozilla Thunderbird with nary a problem in…
From All Sides
After deleting some more comment spam earlier, an automagic blacklist, anti-spam and filter system for MT comments cannot come fast enough … Updated 2003-10-15: MT-Blacklist Lives! — I’ll look at installing it later.
‘Hold it, the Schwarzenegger Library?’
Looks like the Schwarzenegger Library might be with Americans sooner than they think.
‘… there is no Photoshop in this picture’
I love this Polaroid photo of the Millennium Bridge in London, which has been altered while the emulsion was still ‘wet’ — it looks gorgeous.
‘Mike Doyle: No Place to Hide’
There’s an excellent summary by Ethan Marcotte of the workarounds by Microsoft and other vendors to the IE changes mandated by the Eolas ruling. This is a particularly evil mod that MS are making to IE 6 to cripple clean use of plugins (cf RealOne, Macromedia Flash, etc.) without changing any code involving EMBED, OBJECT…
Ya Beauty!
The headline says it all: Celtic take Old Firm spoils. Had I not previously renounced my Catholicism, I’d probably be saying something like “oh, it’s a glorious day to be a tim”, but I won’t. Much. 🙂
Beeeee Bop, Beeeee Diddly-diddly-dooooo
Classic, “what if there had been a Spectrum joypad …”