“The only things i can read in that email are amazon.co.jp and my address!”

Weeeeeeell, thanks to someone who emailed me, called — c r a i g – :) — I’ve wasted ¥2200 of my hard earned cash (about £11) and ordered God Hates Japan, which you may remember, I got a bit narked off about because I couldn’t find it on amazon.jp … but lo, someone has l33ter search skills than I. I’m most disappointed in myself. I used to be able to google my way out of haystacks and paperbags, but I was outdone in this instance! But cheers nonetheless!!

Oh and amazon.jp gives you the option to order in English — I may have been able to navigate amazon.fr’s order system without help, but when I last tried to order from amazon.jp about a year ago, my head nearly imploded. Good on ya’s!

post script: just realised that I had searched for Douglas Coupland under “Foreign Books” on amazon.jp — if I’d had the sense, and critically the knowledge, to switch the search to “Japanese Books”, it would have come up as the #1 result. I did, and it did. I’m so uncool.