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The Red Pill, Or The Blue Pill?
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[] click for more Matrix Reloaded poster art In three weeks, The Matrix will have us again, which is unfortunately a week later than anyone at Cannes, or in the United States — and for that matter, in Canada, France, Holland, Taiwan, Australlia, Iceland, etc. too.

I’m looking forward to this film so much, but I just know that someone on a mailing list somewhere (I’m betting on‘s thechat!) will blab about something reasonably critical in or about the movie, and I’ll get narked off, and complain, so I may just lock myself in the loft for a week and see how we get on.

Tonight, I’m off to see X-Men 2 and with luck, I’ll see if I can get Phone Booth and Bulletproof Monk out the way before I go and see 2 hours and 28 minutes of Wachowski goodness …