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"Then Let Us Hope, That I Was Wrong ..."
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I saw Reloaded again at the weekend — I still can’t get over the amount of energy in the chateau/freeway set piece. From the first shot fired in the chateau to Link’s slump of exhaustion over his console, 20 minutes and 40 seconds of non-stop action have gone by. With the stunning music from Don Davis and Juno Reactor as backdrop, it’s probably the part of the movie that has most endeared it to me.

Yes, there are faults, there are scenes that go on too long, there’s much left to be explained, but I found a quote from someone who worked on the vfx who said Reloaded and Revolutions were never intended to be seen standalone — although separating the releases of the two by six months doesn’t really help that :) — but really are one big long movie that’s been chopped in two at a dramatic point.

It’s interesting to see the number of philosophy and future discussions that have popped up — what does this mean, what does that mean, what will happen next — personally I’m just going to do the best I can to sit on my hands, buy the DVD in October and watch Revolutions in November. Bring it on, baby!