Big Pile O’ Movies

I decided to treat myself to a new DVD player to replace my aging DV-530, and at the same time got a couple of DVDs back from Ade, who had kidnapped them in a brutal attempt to deprive me from watching movies about cheerleading, six foot bunnies, and evil empires.

That got me to thinking, I’d love to catalogue my movie collection to a degree because a) I have way too many movies on video and DVD, b) I loan stuff out to mates, and then have a hard time remembering who the hell I loaned them out to, and c) I’m a geek.

So thanks to some cool cataloguing software and some spare time over the last couple of nights, I went through a couple of shelves worth of DVDs and I now have some of my movie collection stashed away under Bits’n’Bobs on the site. There’s more to come, as I haven’t done all the DVDs yet, and I also have a couple of decades worth of videos somewhere in the house too 🙂

I always said I was a movie geek :)