I just tried eating a Cadbury’s Flake Snow, and it’s awful. I’m not a big chocolate eater, I have maybe 3 or 4 bars of chocolate a month, and one thing I don’t like is white chocolate, which a Flake Snow has on the inside — it’s more like a Twirl than a “proper” Flake. However, I’m never one to discard new food out of hand — I’ll always try something once, which means I can authoritatively state to people if I like something or not, unlike kids these days who seem to go through the “I know I don’t like that even though I’ve never tasted it” phase — so I though I’d try this Flake thing. Ugh. Horrid aftertaste.
Ewww, did I say “unlike kids these days”? Oh well, only 189 days until I’m in my thirties :P