Category: travel

  • Cabs are Awesome, Unless They’re Not

    Cabs are Awesome, Unless They’re Not

    Jono’s post about taxi cabs and close calls with death reminded me of how little hassle I’ve usually had with cab drivers. I usually chat away to cabbies, and tip pretty generously on most occasions, but one guy in San Francisco took the biscuit, and didn’t get tipped. Or chatted to, as I was giving…

  • CompressedJuneJuly

    It’s time for another Cram Post, Neuro Style. june » to san francisco for a couple of weeks to acclimatise to linden lab culture and processes, very chilled yet productive fortnight, i can now convert pounds sterling to/from US dollars and PDT to/from BST in my head; july » had great fun trying to procure…

  • A Second Day

    Today, I start my new job working as a Distributed NOC Engineer for Linden Lab, developers of Second Life. This is the crest of a hill I’ve been climbing since early March, when I was made redundant from my last job: I spent a few minutes converting my rich text CV to plain text and…

  • Scotland to France and Back in Sixty Seconds

    cram post á france » thursday 6th july > trip down to portsmouth, hot as hell on the m6 toll, nice smooth sail overnight on brittany ferries; vendredi 7éme juillet > en france, lunch with friend jc who owns l’equinoxe bar at agon coutainville, crashed hard after reaching the gite near coutances; samedi > spent…

  • Dippy Bint

    Dippy Bint Originally uploaded by neuro. This dippy bint, driving a Citroen with number plate R734 TSR, decided to track the inside lane of slow moving traffic two miles from the roadworks ahead. She eventually pulled in at 800yds. This is the second time I’ve seen someone attempt to take the road traffic laws into…

  • Le Place of Stuff

    Hols. France. Back.

  • Calling Occupants of Entertained-ful Craft

    US budget airline JetBlue have satellite TV built into the aircraft. Each passenger can watch live TV as broadcast on the DIRECTV platform (similar to Sky here in the UK), which is pretty damn cool. Something similar could surely be done with Sky on UK domestic flights, which would make up for the utter lack…

  • .ie: Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jig

    I’ve been home since about half past ten this (yesterday) morning, caught up on email (about 2,200), said lo to lots of online people, slept, watched some stuff I’d taped onto the TiVo and Sky+, slept a bit more, ate, and I’m here typing now plugging in all the offline blog entries I’d made and…

  • .ie: Lemon Flavoured Graph Thing

    Dunno how, but the Vaio’s battery is down to 17% — I don’t remember it being this low earlier 😛 I’m up on the top mezzanine floor in Top Crust, just chowed down on some Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes (breakfast of champions), am still munching on a chicken and stuffing sandwich, and I have some…