another mental weekend of, like,
another mental weekend of, like, stuff … had a barbie at martin’s on saturday – pretty good day acksherly. just watched Armageddon (again) on sky … neeeeoowww fwoooosh aaiiieee [bad dialogue] ffffwwwwaaaaam hurrah. Or something!
why do fools work too
why do fools work too hard?! god, i’ve just been soooooo busy … database scoping, laptop reconstruction, “about a thousand decorations, et cetera, etc cetera” … got my dreamcast yesterday – it absolutely rocks. and i can take the memory card to work and play mini-games while waiting for laptops to be built!! coool!
busy busy busy busy busy
busy busy busy busy busy why be busy when you can be ultra-fecking-busy? oh and frickin’ Sixth Sense DVD doesn’t frickin play on my frickin DVD card in my frickin PC … grrrr
*sigh* “installing Windows 2000 at
*sigh* “installing Windows 2000 at work shouldn’t be a problem,” I thought wistfully … [cue movie trailer voice] he was wrong! Still, after disabling the parallel port and reinstalling the WDM drivers for my AWE64 sound bloke and just generally being faffy and unproductive, it appears to work. And I still have multiple monitor support!…
went to see Man on
went to see Man on the Moon in the end. Excellent film. built win2k on my workstation at work to get less crashing-ness and multiple monitor-ness (I’m typing this into the second monitor now!) – <geek>multiple displays rock!</geek>. sorry 🙂
test hell. can’t visit the
test hell. can’t visit the client today either since they’ve all buggered off on an open day thing. and why is FP2K such a crap FTP client?! off to the cinema with gillian tonight – prolly going to see either Man on the Moon or Gladiator – just need to figure out which 🙂 ahhhhhhh…
my back seems a bit
my back seems a bit better now, and watching my Shakespeare in Love DVD has helped somewhat!
ow – back pain sucks
ow – back pain sucks
what a gorgeous day it
what a gorgeous day it was yesterday … spent the day with gillian, ade, martin, manish and kenny stoating about kelvingrove park, cumbernauld and paisley. also ended up building up ade’s sisters PC and rebulding martins folks PC. ech. Still, had to be done. I’m doing silly video/sound card groz to my cousins PC today…