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The martians released their black smoke, but the ship sped on, cutting down one of the tripod figures. Instantly, the others raised their heat rays, and melted the Thunderchild’s valiant heart.

Good grief, didn’t NASA learn anything from any of the different versions of The Martian Chronicles or The War of the Worlds? Those little probe dudes are gonna get heat-ray’ed back to the Stone Age, and we’ll be next! Auugh, run, flee!

At any rate, the US Mars lander MER-A “Spirit” has landed and communicated back to Earth successfully, with MER-B “Opportunity” due to land on the 24th.

Meanwhile, ickle wee Beagle 2 is hopefully sitting on Mars pinging away into the atmosphere, waiting for Mars Express to hear it bleating away. Today was the first opportunity for Express to hear Beagle after it moved into its final, lower orbit, but there’s been no word yet as to the result. It now looks like the 7th will be the first and best opportunity for Express to hear Beagle, as it will still be settling down into the new orbit for the next 3 days.

Here’s hoping …

  1. Ickle Wee Beagle, a good idea and kudos for making it so quickly… I reckon that Beagles transmissions are being interupted by NASA!

    Why wouldnt they!!! They want to be the first and best!! Take the space race against the Russians!! Hoax Vids????!!! Smoke and Mirrors!

    Actually… I reckon the Beagle boys were lyinng and have sent Beagle to Pluto just because!!

    “Erm..yeeees we’re going to Mars .. *snigger snigger* .. PSYCHE! We’ve just landed on Pluto while you were busy with Mars!”

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