Talk Like Yoda Day?

Tomorrow is, as always, Talk Like a Pirate Day. It’s a day when everyone should talk like a pirate. There’s no real reason behind it, other than it’s fun.

However, I’d like to nominate May 21st as Talk Like Yoda Day. Why May 21st? It’s the date in 1980 when The Empire Strikes Back — and thus Yoda — was unleashed onto an unsuspecting world. Never the same, grammar would be.

And talk like Yoda, you could too. Easy, it is. Talking backwards, it is not, but more difficult, it is. Transpose your sentence structure, you must. Sound strange, do I? The way of the Force, this is. Wearing the costume of Yoda, optional, it is.

Closer to the time, remind you all of this day, I will! Control, control, you must learn control!

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9 responses to “Talk Like Yoda Day?”

  1. Think it’s a very cool idea, I do. Following you, I will. Hope that my friend following you too, I do 🙂