Category: cram

  • Things That Are Awesome

    There are things in life that suck. This list is not of things that suck, it’s of things that are awesome. My job; pursuant thereof, San Francisco, and regular trips thereto (next one in December); additionally, the stupidly weak US dollar Apple Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” Beechams Flu Plus caplets The Crystal Method Ubuntu…

  • CompressedJuneJuly

    It’s time for another Cram Post, Neuro Style. june » to san francisco for a couple of weeks to acclimatise to linden lab culture and processes, very chilled yet productive fortnight, i can now convert pounds sterling to/from US dollars and PDT to/from BST in my head; july » had great fun trying to procure…

  • Scotland to France and Back in Sixty Seconds

    cram post á france » thursday 6th july > trip down to portsmouth, hot as hell on the m6 toll, nice smooth sail overnight on brittany ferries; vendredi 7éme juillet > en france, lunch with friend jc who owns l’equinoxe bar at agon coutainville, crashed hard after reaching the gite near coutances; samedi > spent…

  • $ /usr/bin/aggregate –since=”2004-12-01″

    Crap. I love blogging, but sometimes I just zone out and forget all about it. So it’s time for another CramBlogEntryDuNeuro™ … november > new car > dj’ed (!) at john and sabrina‘s wedding > videoisland died > december > firefox 1.0 > rediscovered celestia > blagged myself a free iPod mini (a gold one,…

  • Saturday Past, Drinking Liquids, All In and Out

    sat 1445 GMT home -> car to mcphabbs (loads of guinness and munchies) -> air organic (loads of lager, spirits and a nice boak in the loo) -> $randompub (water and crisps) -> solid rock (guinness and crisps) -> kebab shop (keeebab!) -> firebird (guinness and chips) -> crash at a flat -> sun 1215…

  • From Saturday to Monday in Several Easy(ish) Moves

    saturday > figuring out how to install debian woody over network using pxe netboot / tftp > successfully installed > grab old write-to-serial-lcd perl script to do cool stuff on newly built deb box > remember how to do rc.local equivalent in debian > pack > drive to town > drive past town to PC…