Category: meta

  • .ie: Lemon Flavoured Graph Thing

    Dunno how, but the Vaio’s battery is down to 17% — I don’t remember it being this low earlier 😛 I’m up on the top mezzanine floor in Top Crust, just chowed down on some Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes (breakfast of champions), am still munching on a chicken and stuffing sandwich, and I have some…

  • ‘I Take Every Day One Beer At A Time, Every Beer One Sip At A Time’

    Finally, I’ve made it back into the house after a week all over the frickin’ place. Southampton, Dunbar, Glasgow, Dundee — the poor car didn’t know what happened to it 🙂 So I’m back at my desk at home, plugging away at work, listening to Denis Leary: No Cure for Cancer, thinkin’ about paying some…

  • From Saturday to Monday in Several Easy(ish) Moves

    saturday > figuring out how to install debian woody over network using pxe netboot / tftp > successfully installed > grab old write-to-serial-lcd perl script to do cool stuff on newly built deb box > remember how to do rc.local equivalent in debian > pack > drive to town > drive past town to PC…

  • blog begin!

    blog begin!