Category: cumbernauld

  • A Second Day

    Today, I start my new job working as a Distributed NOC Engineer for Linden Lab, developers of Second Life. This is the crest of a hill I’ve been climbing since early March, when I was made redundant from my last job: I spent a few minutes converting my rich text CV to plain text and…

  • Ketchup

    I like to blog, but I’ve been remiss in posting. So what better time than the end of the year to post what I’ve been up to. Three tomatoes are walking down the street: a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes…

  • Gotta Love Councils

    Got a letter through from my local council, telling me a local play area — swings, slides, other public-body approved child death traps — has “been put forward as a site for environmental improvement”. The real genius part of it is this: Please refer to the enclosed plan for details of the proposed scheme. The…

  • White Schtuff!

    White Schtuff!

    Wheeeeeeeee, snow!

  • Geek Shopping

    Am I allowed to get pissed off because the guy at Asda wasn’t packing my stuff into bags optimally? I twice ended up putting one bag into another. It’s alright for the mums and dads who have umpteen kids traipsing behind them and they can be used as slave labour at the other end when…

  • Holy Hail, Batman!

    I was just about to go make some brekkie, waiting for the Phill Jupitus breakfast show to start on 6music, when I heard a weird crackling in the office. “Crap, something’s on fire,” was my first thought, my second was to start reaching for a fire extinguisher … then I turned off dabbar, and listened…

  • Real World Intrusion

    I was driving back from Andy’s earlier — gave him a lift home to Penilee after a chilled weekend with ade and qif — and I decided to stop in Asda for a couple of odds and sods. On the way out, I spotted a billboard beside the Tryst car park, announcing the new development…

  • what a gorgeous day it

    what a gorgeous day it was yesterday … spent the day with gillian, ade, martin, manish and kenny stoating about kelvingrove park, cumbernauld and paisley. also ended up building up ade’s sisters PC and rebulding martins folks PC. ech. Still, had to be done. I’m doing silly video/sound card groz to my cousins PC today…