Category: security

  • No More SmoothWall (For Me)

    Some of you who know me may know my fascination and infatuation for SmoothWall, the open source Linux firewall distro. You may be interested to know that I’ve decided to take my leave of the project after just over 7 years. To explain, I need to tell a story of how I got there in…

  • YouTube Hasn’t Been “Hacked”

    YouTube is currently off the air. Several people are citing a blog post describing the issue as being the victim of DNS poisoning. However, this simply ain’t the case. YouTube hasn’t had their DNS hijacked; Yelvington describes a wildcard match in the whois tool which let’s you see not only but other records…

  • Break the Chain

    I got a beauty forwarded to me this morning in my email: —–Original Message—– From: [snip’d] Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 08:56 To: [snip’d] Subject: Message from Strathclyde Police THIS MESSAGE WAS RECEIVED FROM STRATHCLYDE POLICE CAR JACKING SCHEME You walk across the car park, unlock your car and get inside. Then you lock all…

  • Microsoft WMF Patch

    Microsoft WMF Patch — it’s live and available.

  • $ /usr/bin/aggregate –since=”2004-12-01″

    Crap. I love blogging, but sometimes I just zone out and forget all about it. So it’s time for another CramBlogEntryDuNeuro™ … november > new car > dj’ed (!) at john and sabrina‘s wedding > videoisland died > december > firefox 1.0 > rediscovered celestia > blagged myself a free iPod mini (a gold one,…

  • Here, There, and Back Again

    Quick entry before I head off to work. Yeah, to work, I’m no longer working from home. Most people who know me know this already, but I left SmoothWall Ltd. last month to work in sysadmin at Lumison, formerly edNET, an Edinburgh-based ISP. As my post to the SmoothWall community says, it was just a…

  • IRIS Removes Individual Sovereignty

    El Reg reports “The Home Office is to install iris scanning technology in major UK airports … The Immigration Service will invite “certain groups of foreign nationals” to join the scheme. To qualify, would-be registrants must have a track record of complying with the UK’s immigration laws.” They’re amusingly calling it the Iris Recognition Immigration…

  • DNA IIfx

    Someone managed to buy an old Mac that belonged to Douglas Adams from eBay — I wonder how the chuff it got from DNA’s home into the hands of a computer scrapper? Tip o’ the hat to 2lmc spool, who got it from linkmachinego.

  • onepointoh baby!

    SmoothWall GPL went onepointoh last week … I totally forgot to mention. It’s basically SmoothWall 0.9.9 patched to the gunnels with all the updates and security fixes we’ve applied since we released it on September 15th 2001, and we decided “this is mature enough to be called one point oh.” So we did! Now the…