Category: Uncategorized

  • Computer Archaeology

    Just before the weekend, I dug out an old machine I hadn’t used in a while, my old fileserver columbia, since replaced by the second incarnation of intrepid — you can find out more about my random collections of tech if you so desire. So after plugging it all in and realising I didn’t have…

  • Big Day in the Park

    I’m not that long back from the Big Day in the Park at Glasgow Green. It turned out to be an absolutely stomping day! I keeked my head out the curtains around 10am this (Sunday) morning to find glorious sunshine staring back at me, and I knew the day would stomp. Managed to miss The…

  • ‘Run, Blogger, Run!’

    A mind-bogglingly true statement about blogging, forgetting to blog, remembering to blog again, realising you’ve written something completely nonsensical in an attempt to a) explain why you’ve not been blogging, b) explain why you’re blogging again, and c) why it’s no big deal, but it is in fact, a big deal, but you don’t want…

  • *Sparkle*

    Decided to spruce up the site template a bit — no real increase in content, although I’ve decided to follow the lead of a lot of other bloggers and just make my blog my homepage. You weren’t missing much, trust me 🙂 updated 2003-08-22: I forgot to mention that I’m specifying Lucida Grande, an Apple-ish…

  • ‘Mac Kills My Inner Child’

    Superb riff on the Apple “Switch” ad campaign, the videos for which have now vanished from 🙁 This guy has managed to encapsulate everything I thought was bad about Macs in a coupla minutes of Flash video. I still want a 12″ tiBook tho 😉

  • *rrrrrring*! Hesitation – He Went Urrrr!

    I forgot how funny Just a Minute was — Nicholas Parsons tables four comedians, who are given a minute to talk on a given subject without hesitation, deviation or repetition. Deceptively simple, and the comedians take every opportunity to buzz in to catch their opponents out on the most minute infringement on the rules! Still…

  • bee bee see dot ko dot yoo kay – The Problem With Versus

    Got tired enough of the illogical BBC practice of allowing BBCi URLs to be given out on the air sans ‘www’ at the start — despite this practice being absolutely verboten when URLs are printed on screen — to complain to them. Why? Because watch what happens when you try these URLs: — oh…

  • “1.21 Gigawatts?!?!”

    Today’s fun find — OK, today for me, as the rest of the blogosphere found out about this on Thursday — is Google‘s new calculator feature. Ask it anything. To start you off, Jason Kottke and Andrew Baio have some cool and vaguely practical uses, such as imaginary numbers, how much space does an hour…

  • [ ~]# /etc/init.d/iis restart

    It looks like Microsoft have been rejiggling some of their web infrastructure — presumably preparations for defence against tomorrow’s scheduled attack from the Blaster worm — utilising Akamai web caching services a bit more than usual. This has led to a seemingly huge volte face for Microsoft … IIS running on Linux? … Netcraft are…